25/08/2008 06:56 OMAHA POKER RULES
One of the charms of poker is the innumerable variants that it has spawned. Omaha Poker, the rules of which we shall discuss in this article, is a variant of the immensely popular Texas Holdem version of poker. Indeed, most players who are familiar with Texas Holdem will feel comfortable with Omaha Poker, since the betting structure follows similar patterns.
To sum up the Omaha Poker rules, each player is dealt four cards face down, and these are called ،¥hole،¦ cards. Five separate cards, called ،¥community،¦ cards, are also dealt face up. The players now try to build a good hand using two hole cards and three community cards. Come showdown, and the player with the best five-card hand is the winner.
For all those interested, here is an overview of Omaha Poker rules:
„X Any game of Omaha Poker begins with each player placing ،¥blind،¦ bets before the deal
„X The dealer then deals four cards face down on the table to each player. These are termed a player،¦s ،¥pocket،¦ cards
„X The first betting round now begins, and is usually set at a lower limit
„X Now comes the ،¥flop،¦, when the dealer turns over three community cards face up on the table
„X This is the time for the second betting round to begin. This round is also usually set at a lower limit
„X Next, the dealer turns over one more community card face up on the table. This part of the game is known as the ،¥turn،¦
„X This signals the third betting round, which is set at a higher limit. The dealer turns over the final community card face up. The placing of this card is known as the ،¥river،¦, which also begins the final betting round, which once again has a higher set limit
„X Once all the best are in, it،¦s showdown time. In an Omaha Poker showdown, as we mentioned at the start, players must use two pocket cards and three community cards to make the best five-card hand
„« Don،¦t play too many hands. A bet not placed may mean money saved in the end
„« Do not feel compelled to call or raise the stake if you are unsure of your hand. Folding is often a good option
„« Do not raise at the time of the flop if you have a good hand. This may make the others fold and the pot won،¦t be as large as expected
„« Only play tables with more than one weak player. This will inevitably increase your chances of winning
„« At the time of the flop, you ought to be able to calculate whether you are going to win both the high and the low stakes because you can see enough cards. But be prepared to fold if necessary.
„« Bluffing in an Omaha Poker game should be done rarely and only on the river if you don،¦t see the low hands out.